Manage memberships and purchases

Learn how you can manage your memberships and purchases on Wajooba.

Your Wajooba profile helps you manage and track your previous transactions and payments from the Memberships and Purchases tab. It's important that you know how you can keep track of all of these for each course, class, or event you enrolled for.

We'll help you track and manage your memberships on Wajooba.

The Memberships tab

The Memberships tab shows you a list of all the courses you registered for. You can see its details such as:

  • Start date
  • Name of the course
  • Payment frequency type (recurring or one-time)
  • Active status
  • Expiration date

To access your Membership tab, follow these steps.

  1. From your Wajooba account, select your profile icon.
  2. Go to the Memberships tab.
  3. To see your membership details and payment history, select the Start Date of the course you want to view.

Your membership plan details show you the validity, status, and type of membership you have.

💡 If you want to edit or cancel your membership, get in touch with your course admins to request for any changes.

The Purchases tab

The Purchases tab lists all the purchases you made. It is sorted according to date, from the latest to your earliest purchases. This gives you a quick view of the following:

  • Your purchases, labeled with the course memberships and the invoice number
  • The amount you paid
  • Existing balance
  • Date of purchase

To access your Purchases tab, follow these steps.

  1. From your Wajooba account, select your profile icon.
  2. Go to the Purchases tab.

The Purchases tab also gives you quick links to each of your invoices.

Created by: Paul Romuel Danila

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