Filter contacts using tags

Learn more about tags and how you can use them to manage your contacts on Wajooba.

By assigning specific tags, you can easily filter and organize your contacts based on the courses or events they are enrolled in. Tags not only simplify the process of managing contacts but also help you personalize your communication with them.

Tags also allow you to send targeted emails and updates to specific groups of contacts based on their course enrollments, ticket purchases, or donations.

We’ll help you get familiar with tags.

How automatic tags work (Auto Tagging)

When you create a new course, the system automatically generates a course tag for it, allowing you to easily filter and sort contacts enrolled in that course. 

As contacts enrol in a course, they are automatically associated with the course through the course tags. This means that each contact can have one or more course tags, depending on the number of courses they have enrolled in.

Manually create tags

You can manually create tags to add further categorization to your contact list, aside from what your contact labels provide.

For example, you can create a tag for your leads who are possible customers of a specific course, event, or product that you offer. This not only helps you add subcategorization to your leads but also helps you easily filter them and send targeted communications or promotions about their interest.

To manually create a tag, follow these steps.

  1. From your Wajooba account, go to Contacts.

  2. To see your list of tags, select the gear ⚙️ icon from the upper right corner of the page and select Manage Tags.
  3. To add a new tag, select the plus ➕ icon from the upper right corner of the page.
  4. Enter the name of the tag. 
  5. Select Add Tag.

Manually add tags to a contact

To manually add tags to a contact, follow these steps.

  1. From your Wajooba account, go to Contacts.
  2. Find and select the contact to which you want to add a tag.
  3. To add the tag, select the bookmark 🏷️ icon.
  4. Enter the tag name and select Submit.

The tag should now be associated with the contact. You can also start using it to filter and search for all the contacts with the same tag.

Created by: Paul Romuel Danila

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