Register for an event

Learn how you can register for an event on Wajooba.

Join events that you're interested in. These events may be offered in regular sessions following a frequency like weekly, monthly, or yearly. For some, depending on the coverage of the event, they may host one-session events.

💡 If your a member of the organization, you can register for an event through from your Wajooba account.

We'll help you register for an event you want to register for.

Step 1: Select an event you want to attend

Your course admins can host multiple events at the same time, select the event you're interested in.

  1. From the course admins' Wajooba public website, go to Courses.
  2. Under Events, select the event you want to register for. To see more events, select See All

Step 2: Register for an event membership

  1. From the event sales page, select your preferred pricing option or membership.
  2. Enter your personal information, including your name, email address, and phone number. This will be used for sending event communications like its details.
  3. Review the order summary. 
  4. (Optional) To apply discounts and promotions, enter the promo code in the Apply Offer field and select Apply Offer.
  5. Enter your payment details and select Checkout.

Check your email for the invoice. You should also receive another email with the event details and link to the meeting session for online meetings.

Created by: Paul Romuel Danila

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