Send email reminders about late and failed payments

Remind your students, customers, or vendors about their unpaid invoices. Wajooba allows you to quickly send reminders to them, so it would be more convenient for you to message them about their open invoices.

You can send email reminders for invoices with partial, pending, pending confirmation, voided, or failed status. We’ll help you how.

Send email reminders about late and failed payments

Here’s how you can follow up on invoices with partial, pending, pending confirmation, voided, or failed status.

  1. Go to Invoices and find the invoice that you want to follow up.
  2. At the end of the invoice, select More Options ⠇and select Reminder Email.
  3. On the Send Reminder window, select Submit.

Alternatively, you can send a follow up using these steps, especially if you want to review the details of the invoice first.

  1. Go to Invoices then find and select the invoice that you want to follow up.
  2. From the upper right corner of the page, select the Mail ✉ icon.
  3. On the Send Reminder window, select Submit.

Following either of these steps will send a reminder to your student’s email. You can then work with them to receive late payments for their memberships or any purchases.

Don’t worry, here are a few things you can do.

Solution 1: If your student reported that they didn’t receive an email, you can advise them to double-check their Junk or Spam folders and look for the email.

Solution 2: Double-check their email on file if it’s correct. Otherwise, update their email and send the follow up again.

Solution 3: You can export the invoice to PDF, so you can attach it to a follow up email that you can send.

Learn how your members can settle their balances and pay invoices with pending, partial, pending confirmation, or failed statuses on Wajooba. We created a separate guide that you can share to them. Make sure to check it out!

Created by: Paul Romuel Danila
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