Set up multi-currency

Learn how to set up multi-currency on Wajooba.

Setting up multi-currency allows you to accept payments from customers around the world in their preferred currency. This not only improves the customer experience, but also helps reduce the risk of transaction failures and decreases the chances of currency conversion errors.

You can accept international payments from foreign transactions without the hassle of converting the prices manually as long as you're connected to Stripe, Razorpay, or Nelnet. These third-party payment services work to automatically do the pricing conversion when your international customers are making payments for the product or service they availed from you.

We'll help you set up multi-currency on your account.

Step 1: Set up multi-currency

Payment service providers, such as Stripe, Nelnet, and Razorpay, support multi-currency to enable users to widen their reach and cater to more audiences around the world. After you connect your preferred payment processor to your Wajooba account, follow these steps to set up multi-currency.

  1. Log in to your Wajooba account and go to Settings ⚙️.
  2. To see the multi-currency settings, select Payment Settings.
  3. In the Supported Currencies dropdown, find and select the currency you want to add.
  4. Scroll down to the end of the page and select Submit.
  5. (Optional) To set it as your default currency, select the currency from the Select Default Currency dropdown.

    💡 This will be your default currency for your account. If you want to set up a different default currency for a specific course, event, donation, or product, continue to Step 2.

  6. Scroll down to the end of the page and select Submit.

Step 2: Select the default currency for your course, event, donation, or products

You can set the default currency for a specific course, event, donation, or product that you offer. This means that this currency will show on your public domain and sales pages, but this should still allow you to accept international payments from your customers.

  1. From your Wajooba account, create a paid course, paid event, a new donation, or a product.
  2. On the Add Pricing step, select Settings ⚙️ to customize the pricing option.
  3. In the Currency dropdown, select the default currency for the course, event, donation, or product you're making.
  4. Continue with the rest of the setup, then select Submit to save the changes.

If you wish to update this setting for each of your courses, events, donation campaigns, or products in the future, you can refer to these articles as a guide.

Created by: Paul Romuel Danila

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